How To Get Quality Customer Feedback Analysis

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How To Get Quality Customer Feedback Analysis

13 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you're surveying customers and looking at other satisfaction metrics, it's important to make sure your analysis process will produce quality insights. How do you produce customer feedback analysis that meets that standard? Follow these four tips to better leverage your customer feedback analytics.

Group Customers

You don't want to have a highly generalized pool of customers for most purposes. It's wise to group them according to how they fit into your company's larger customer relationship. For example, you wouldn't want to have a lot of feedback data from long-term inactive customers mixed with data from your core group of frequent buyers. However, the analysis needs criteria for groupings. That means you'll have to define who counts as inactive customers, power users, steady buyers, and so on.

Your definitions have to be quantifiable, too. A high-end customer for a streaming subscription service, for example, might be the person who pays for and heavily uses the most expensive plan.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Data

Some customer feedback analyses can work directly with raw numbers. For example, a retailer knows how many people used its in-store credit card program in a given month. This is quantitative data because it's hard information.

Other feedback is inherently qualitative. Surveys usually fit into this category because they describe qualities about how people feel about products and services.

Prompted vs. Unprompted Feedback

This is a big way to distinguish the quality of feedback. While it's great to get responses when you send out surveys, there is no substitute for unprompted feedback. If you have a call center, for example, you should be monitoring calls and cataloging outcomes. The callers are people who have complaints, are struggling to use products, or are dealing with other events that are likely to be adverse. More importantly, they often call in the heat of the moment and provide unvarnished feedback. In the world of customer feedback analytics, this is essential.

Look for More Sources

Surveys and calls are the foundation of customer feedback analysis. However, there are rich sources of feedback available online. Collecting data from customers who complain on social media, for example, lets you get close to their concerns. It also gives you a sense of what non-customers are saying when they see these issues.

Don't be afraid to look far and wide for more sources of data. That's especially the case if the sources allow you to connect with customers you've missed with surveys. To learn more, contact a company that offers customer feedback analytics.